seims.preprocess.sp_soil Namespace Reference


class  SoilProperty
class  SoilUtilClass


def main ()

Detailed Description

Extract spatial soil parameters

    @author   : Liangjun Zhu, Junzhi Liu, Huiran Gao, Fang Shen

    - 13-01-10  jz - initial implementation
    - 16-07-22  lj - Names and units of soil physical parameter are referred to
                     readsol.f, soil_par.f, and soil_phys.f in SWAT.
                     Data validation checking is also conducted.
    - 16-12-07  lj - rewrite for version 2.0
    - 17-06-23  lj - reorganize as basic class
    - 18-02-08  lj - compatible with Python3.
    - 22-06-08  lj - use mask_rasterio to reclassify soil and landuse parameters

Function Documentation

◆ main()

def seims.preprocess.sp_soil.main ( )