Inherits object.
base class of Soil physical and general chemical properties
SOILLAYERS (int, None): (nly in SWAT model, the same below) number of soil layers
SOILDEPTH (float, mm): (sol_z) depth from the surface to bottom of soil layer
SOILTHICK (float, mm): soil thickness for calculation convenient, derived from `SOILDEPTH`
OM (float, %): organic matter content (weight percent)
SOL_CBN (float, %): (sol_cbn) percent organic carbon in soil layer, calculated by `OM`
SOL_N (float, %): (sol_n) used when using CSWAT = 1, i.e, C-FARM one carbon pool model, derived from `SOL_CBN`
CLAY (float, %): (sol_clay) percent clay content in soil material, diameter < 0.002 mm
SILT (float, %): (sol_silt) percent silt content in soil material,diameter between 0.002 mm and 0.05 mm
SAND (float, %): (sol_sand) percent sand content in soil material,diameter between 0.05 mm and 2 mm
ROCK (float, %): (sol_rock) percent of rock fragments content in soil material,diameter > 2 mm
SOIL_TEXTURE (int, None): soil texture code used in WetSpa and SWAT model based on soil texture triangle by USDA
HYDRO_GROUP (int, None): Hydrological soil group, 1, 2, 3, and 4 to represent A, B, C, and D
SOL_ZMX (float, mm): (sol_zmx) maximum rooting depth of soil profile
ANION_EXCL (float, None): (anion_excl) fraction of porosity from which anions are excluded, default is 0.5
SOL_CRK (float, None): (sol_crk) crack volume potential of soil expressed as a fraction of the total soil volume
DENSITY (float, Mg/m3 or g/cm3): (sol_bd) bulk density of each soil layer
SOL_AVBD (float, Mg/m3 or g/cm3): (sol_avbd) average bulk density for soil profile
CONDUCTIVITY (float, mm/hr): (sol_k) saturated hydraulic conductivity
SOL_HK (float, None): (sol_hk) beta coefficent to calculate hydraulic conductivity
WILTINGPOINT (float, mm H2O / mm soil): (sol_wp) water content of soil at -1.5 MPa (wilting point)
SOL_WPMM (float, mm H2O): (sol_wpmm) water content of soil at -1.5 MPa (wilting point)
SOL_SUMWP (float, mm H2O): (sol_sumwp) amount of water held in the soil profile at wilting point
FIELDCAP (float,mm H2O / mm soil): (sol_up) water content of soil at -0.033 MPa (field capacity)
AWC (float,mm H2O / mm soil): (sol_awc) available water capacity of soil layer
SOL_AWC (float,mm H2O): (sol_fc) amount of water available to plants in soil layer at field capacity (fc - wp)
SOL_SUMAWC (float,mm H2O): (sol_sumfc) amount of water held in soil profile at field capacity
POROSITY (float,None): (sol_por) total porosity of soil layer expressed as a fraction of the total volume
POREINDEX (float,None): pore size distribution index
SOL_AVPOR (float,None): (sol_avpor) average porosity for entire soil profile
SOL_UL (float,mm H2O): (sol_ul) amount of water held in the soil layer at saturation (sat - wp water)
SOL_SUMUL (float,mm H2O): (sol_sumul) amount of water held in soil profile at saturation
USLE_K (float,None): USLE K factor
SOL_ALB (float,None): albedo of top soil surface
WFSH (float,mm): wetting front matric potential (usde in Green-Ampt method)
ESCO (float,None): soil evaporation compensation factor
VWT (float,None): (vwt) variable water table factor, used in percolation modules
DET_SAND (float,None): (det_san) detached sediment size distribution, sand fraction
DET_SILT (float,None): (det_sil) detached sediment size distribution, silt fraction
DET_CLAY (float,None): (det_cla) detached sediment size distribution, clay fraction
DET_SMAGG (float,None): (det_sag) detached sediment size distribution, small aggregation fraction
DET_LGAGG (float,None): (det_lag) detached sediment size distribution, large aggregation fraction
CRDEP (float,mm): (crdep) maximum or potential crack volume
VOLCR (float,mm): (volcr) crack volume for soil layer, should be calculated in SEIMS, using moist_ini
SOL_NO3 (float,kg/ha): (sol_no3) concentration of nitrate in soil layers
SOL_NH4 (float,kg/ha): (sol_nh4) concentration of ammonium-N in soil layers
SOL_ORGN (float,kg/ha): (sol_orgn) organic N concentration in soil layers
SOL_ORGP (float,kg/ha): (sol_orgp) organic P concentration in soil layers
SOL_SOLP (float,kg/ha): (sol_solp) soluble P concentration in soil layers