seims.preprocess.sd_slopeposition_units Namespace Reference


class  SlopePositionUnits


def DelinateSlopePositionByThreshold (modelcfg, thresholds, fuzzyslppos_fnames, outfname, subbsn_id=0 # type:int)
def main ()

Detailed Description

Construct hillslope-slope position units.

The main procedure:
- 1. Assign unique ID to each type of slope position unit with hillslopes, and
   assign the up-down relationships according to the slope position sequence.
- 2. Statistics the landuse types and areas within each slope position units.
- 3. Merge hillslope with incomplete slope position sequences to other hillslopes
   of the same subbasin.
- 4. Merge subbasin with incomplete slope position sequences to its downstream,
   for the outlet subbasin merge to its upstream.

    @author   : Liangjun Zhu, Huiran Gao

    - 17-08-14  lj - initial implementation.
    - 18-02-08  lj - compatible with Python3.
    - 18-11-05  lj - update according to :func:`ImportReaches2Mongo:read_reach_downstream_info`.
                     Add type hints based on typing.

Function Documentation

◆ DelinateSlopePositionByThreshold()

def seims.preprocess.sd_slopeposition_units.DelinateSlopePositionByThreshold (   modelcfg,
  subbsn_id = 0  # type: int 
    model_cfg: Configuration of SEIMS-based model
    thresholds: {HillslopeID: {rdgID, bksID, vlyID, T_bks2rdg, T_bks2vly}, ...}
    fuzzyslppos_fnames: [(1, 'summit', 'rdgInf'), ...]
    outfname: output GridFS name
    subbsn_id: By default use the whole watershed data
    hillslp_data(dict): {}

◆ main()

def seims.preprocess.sd_slopeposition_units.main ( )
Delineation slope position units with the associated information.