#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Configuration of pyAutoFuzSlpPos project.
@author: Liangjun Zhu
- 15-07-31 lj - initial implementation.
- 17-07-31 lj - reorganize as basic class, and incorporated with pygeoc.
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals, division
import argparse
import os
import sys
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
from configparser import ConfigParser
if os.path.abspath(os.path.join(sys.path[0], '..')) not in sys.path:
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(sys.path[0], '..')))
from pygeoc.utils import FileClass, StringClass
from autofuzslppos.Nomenclature import CreateWorkspace, PreProcessAttrNames, TopoAttrNames, \
LogNames, FuzSlpPosFiles, SingleSlpPosFiles
[docs]class AutoFuzSlpPosConfig(object):
"""Get input arguments for pyAutoFuzSlpPos main program and
parse configuration file (\*.ini file).
bin_dir: Required. Executable binary file path.
ws: Derived from inputs. Workspace directories, see also CreateWorkspace.
dem: Required. Input dem of study area. Be caution! DEM file should have one cell buffer
of the desired extent, e.g., watershed boundary.
If flag_PreProcess is set to False, dem can be None.
mpi_dir: Optional. MPI binary path. If it has been exported to the environmental path,
set as None.
hostfile: Optional. The hostfile is a text file that contains the names of hosts,
the number of available slots on each host, set to None if not stated.
outlet: Optional. Watershed outlet as ESRI shapefile. Be caution! The outlet point should
locate at least one cell inner the DEM boundary. If outlet is None, the maximum
of Contributing Area will be identified as outlet.
valley: Optional. Vally source as raster file. If not provided, set None.
ridge: Optional. Ridge source as raster file. If not provided, set None.
regional_attr: Regional topographic attributes, decrease from ridge to valley, range from
1 to 0, e.g., RPI (Relative Position Index, Skidmore, 1990)
flag_preprocess: Preprocess for terrain attributes? True is default, if false, topographic
attributes used for fuzzy inference must be existed in 'Params' dir.
flag_selecttyploc: Select typical locations automatically? True is default, if false,
typical locations of each slope position must be existed.
flag_auto_typlocparams: Automatically determine the parameters for typical locations?
True is default, if false, the script will find these parameters
from the \*.ini configuration file, and/or the XXXExtConfig.dat file
in 'Config' directory.
Exception will be raised if all tries failed.
flag_fuzzyinference: Calculate fuzzy membership of each slope position? True is default.
flag_auto_inferenceparams: Automatically determine the parameters for fuzzy inference?
True is default, if false, the script will find these parameters
from the \*.ini configuration file, and/or the XXXInfConfig.dat
in 'Config' directory.
Exception will be raised if all tries failed.
flag_log: Write runtime log information to files. True is default.
selectedtopo: Topographic attributes used for AutoFuzSlpPos. The key is attribute name,
and value is full file path. See also topoparam.
extractrange: Extract value ranges for each topographic attributes of each slope positions.
{SlpPosType: {regionalAttr: [minv, maxv], ...}}
inferparam: A Directory to store fuzzy inference parameters, the basic format is:
{SlpPosType: {regionalAttr: [FMFShape, w1, r1, k1, w2, r2, k2], ...}}
See Also:
# B(1) 6 2 0.5 6 2 0.5
# S(2) 6 2 0.5 1 0 1
# Z(3) 1 0 1 6 2 0.5
_FMFTYPE = {1: 'B', 2: 'S', 3: 'Z'}
_FMFPARAM = {'B': [6, 2, 0.5, 6, 2, 0.5],
'S': [6, 2, 0.5, 1, 0, 1],
'Z': [1, 0, 1, 6, 2, 0.5]}
def __init__(self, cfg_parser, bin_dir=None, proc_num=-1, rawdem=None, root_dir=None):
Initialize an AutoFuzSlpPosConfig object
cfg_parser: ConfigParser object
bin_dir: Executable binaries path
proc_num: thread (or process) number used for MPI
rawdem: DEM of study area
root_dir: workspace path
# Part I Initialize attributes
# 1.1. input parameters
self.cf = cfg_parser
self.bin_dir = bin_dir
self.proc = proc_num
self.root_dir = root_dir
# 1.2. Required inputs
self.dem = rawdem
# 1.3. Executable Flags (Set default flags first)
self.flag_preprocess = True
self.flag_selecttyploc = True
self.flag_auto_typlocparams = True
self.flag_fuzzyinference = True
self.flag_auto_inferenceparams = True
self.flag_log = True
# 1.4. Optional inputs
self.mpi_dir = None
self.hostfile = None
self.outlet = None
self.valley = None
self.ridge = None
self.regional_attr = None
# 1.5. Optional DTA related parameters
self.flow_model = 1
self.rpi_method = 1
self.dist_exp = 8
self.max_move_dist = 50
self.numthresh = 20
self.d8_stream_thresh = 0
self.d8_down_method = 'Surface'
self.d8_stream_tag = 1
self.d8_up_method = 'Surface'
self.dinf_stream_thresh = 0
self.dinf_down_stat = 'Average'
self.dinf_down_method = 'Surface'
self.dinf_dist_down_wg = None
self.propthresh = 0.0
self.dinf_up_stat = 'Average'
self.dinf_up_method = 'Surface'
# 1.6. Slope position types, tags, typical location extract value ranges, and inference
# parameters.
self.slppostype = list() # From top to bottom on hillslope.
self.slppostag = list() # The same sequence with self.slppostype
self.selectedtopo = dict() # Topographic attributes used for AutoFuzSlpPos
self.extractrange = dict()
self.param4typloc = dict()
self.infshape = dict()
self.inferparam = dict()
# 1.7. derived attributes
self.ws = None
self.log = None
self.topoparam = None
self.slpposresult = None
self.pretaudem = None
self.singleslpposconf = dict()
# Part II Set default settings, if cfg_parser is None, the program still can be executed.
# default slope position settings
self.slppostype = ['rdg', 'shd', 'bks', 'fts', 'vly']
self.slppostag = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16]
self.selectedtopolist = ['rpi', 'profc', 'slp', 'elev']
self.selectedtopo = dict()
self.extractrange = {'rdg': {'rpi': [0.99, 1.0]},
'shd': {'rpi': [0.9, 0.95]},
'bks': {'rpi': [0.5, 0.6]},
'fts': {'rpi': [0.15, 0.2]},
'vly': {'rpi': [0., 0.1]}}
self._DEFAULT_PARAM_TYPLOC = [10, 0.1, 0.3, 1, 0.1, 1, 50, 4.0]
for slppos in self.slppostype:
self.param4typloc[slppos] = self._DEFAULT_PARAM_TYPLOC[:]
self.infshape = {'rdg': {'rpi': 'S', 'profc': 'S', 'slp': 'Z', 'elev': 'SN'},
'shd': {'rpi': 'B', 'profc': 'S', 'slp': 'B', 'elev': 'N'},
'bks': {'rpi': 'B', 'profc': 'B', 'slp': 'S', 'elev': 'N'},
'fts': {'rpi': 'B', 'profc': 'ZB', 'slp': 'ZB', 'elev': 'N'},
'vly': {'rpi': 'Z', 'profc': 'Z', 'slp': 'Z', 'elev': 'N'}}
if self.cf is None:
if self.dem is not None and self.bin_dir is not None:
if self.root_dir is None:
self.root_dir = os.path.dirname(self.dem)
if self.mpi_dir is None:
mpipath = FileClass.get_executable_fullpath('mpiexec')
self.mpi_dir = os.path.dirname(mpipath)
if self.mpi_dir is None:
raise RuntimeError('Can not find mpiexec, make sure you have it installed!')
raise RuntimeError("You MUST select one of ini file or dem and bin!")
if self.root_dir is not None:
self.ws = CreateWorkspace(self.root_dir)
self.log = LogNames(self.ws.log_dir)
self.topoparam = TopoAttrNames(self.ws)
self.slpposresult = FuzSlpPosFiles(self.ws)
self.pretaudem = PreProcessAttrNames(self.ws.pre_dir, self.flow_model)
for attr in self.selectedtopolist:
self.selectedtopo[attr] = self.topoparam.get_attr_file(attr)
for slppos in self.slppostype:
self.singleslpposconf[slppos] = SingleSlpPosFiles(self.ws, slppos)
# Part III Parse the *.ini configuration file if existed
# Be careful, bin_dir, root_dir, proc_num, and rawdem related attributes
# that have already set MUST not be changed in the following procedures.
if self.cf is not None:
# Parse and check validation of all available inputs
# define the section names in the *.ini configuration file
_require = 'REQUIRED'
_optdta = 'OPTIONAL_DTA'
_opt = 'OPTIONAL'
_opttyploc = 'OPTIONAL_TYPLOC'
_optfuzinf = 'OPTIONAL_FUZINF'
[docs] def check_file_available(in_f):
"""Check the input file is existed or not, and return None, if not."""
if StringClass.string_match(in_f, 'none') or in_f == '' or in_f is None:
return None
if not FileClass.is_file_exists(in_f):
raise ValueError("The %s is not existed or have no access permission!" % in_f)
return in_f
[docs] def read_required_section(self, _require):
"""read and check required section"""
if _require in self.cf.sections():
if self.bin_dir is None:
self.bin_dir = self.cf.get(_require, 'exedir')
if self.root_dir is None and self.cf.has_option(_require, 'rootdir'):
self.root_dir = self.cf.get(_require, 'rootdir')
if self.root_dir is None:
raise IOError("Workspace must be defined!")
self.ws = CreateWorkspace(self.root_dir)
self.log = LogNames(self.ws.log_dir)
self.topoparam = TopoAttrNames(self.ws)
self.slpposresult = FuzSlpPosFiles(self.ws)
if self.dem is None:
self.dem = self.cf.get(_require, 'rawdem')
self.dem = AutoFuzSlpPosConfig.check_file_available(self.dem)
if self.dem is None:
raise ValueError("DEM can not be None!")
raise ValueError("[REQUIRED] section MUST be existed in *.ini file.")
if not os.path.isdir(self.bin_dir):
self.bin_dir = None
if FileClass.get_executable_fullpath('fuzzyslpposinference') is None:
raise RuntimeError("exeDir is set to None, however the executable path are not "
"set in environment path!")
[docs] def read_flag_section(self, _flag):
"""read executable flags"""
if _flag in self.cf.sections():
self.flag_preprocess = self.cf.getboolean(_flag, 'preprocess')
self.flag_selecttyploc = self.cf.getboolean(_flag, 'typlocselection')
self.flag_auto_typlocparams = self.cf.getboolean(_flag, 'autotyplocparams')
self.flag_fuzzyinference = self.cf.getboolean(_flag, 'fuzzyinference')
self.flag_auto_inferenceparams = self.cf.getboolean(_flag, 'autoinfparams')
self.flag_log = self.cf.getboolean(_flag, 'extlog')
[docs] def read_optionaldta_section(self, _optdta):
"""Optional parameters settings of digital terrain analysis for topographic attributes"""
if _optdta not in self.cf.sections():
self.flow_model = self.cf.getint(_optdta, 'flowmodel')
self.rpi_method = self.cf.getint(_optdta, 'rpimethod')
self.dist_exp = self.cf.getint(_optdta, 'distanceexponentforidw')
self.max_move_dist = self.cf.getfloat(_optdta, 'maxmovedist')
self.numthresh = self.cf.getint(_optdta, 'numthresh')
self.d8_stream_thresh = self.cf.getint(_optdta, 'd8streamthreshold')
self.d8_down_method = self.cf.get(_optdta, 'd8downmethod')
self.d8_stream_tag = self.cf.getint(_optdta, 'd8streamtag')
self.d8_up_method = self.cf.get(_optdta, 'd8upmethod')
self.dinf_stream_thresh = self.cf.getint(_optdta, 'dinfstreamthreshold')
self.dinf_down_stat = self.cf.get(_optdta, 'dinfdownstat')
self.dinf_down_method = self.cf.get(_optdta, 'dinfdownmethod')
self.dinf_dist_down_wg = self.cf.get(_optdta, 'dinfdistdownwg')
self.propthresh = self.cf.getfloat(_optdta, 'propthresh')
self.dinf_up_stat = self.cf.get(_optdta, 'dinfupstat')
self.dinf_up_method = self.cf.get(_optdta, 'dinfupmethod')
if self.flow_model != 0:
self.flow_model = 1
if self.rpi_method != 0:
self.rpi_method = 1
if self.dist_exp < 0:
self.dist_exp = 8
if self.max_move_dist < 0:
self.max_move_dist = 50
if self.numthresh < 0:
self.numthresh = 20
if self.d8_stream_thresh < 0:
self.d8_stream_thresh = 0
distance_method = ['Horizontal', 'Vertical', 'Pythagoras', 'Surface']
stat_method = ['Average', 'Maximum', 'Minimum']
if not StringClass.string_in_list(self.d8_down_method, distance_method):
self.d8_down_method = 'Surface'
if self.d8_stream_tag < 0:
self.d8_stream_tag = 1
if not StringClass.string_in_list(self.d8_up_method, distance_method):
self.d8_up_method = 'Surface'
if self.dinf_stream_thresh < 0:
self.dinf_stream_thresh = 0
if StringClass.string_in_list(self.dinf_down_stat, stat_method):
self.dinf_down_stat = 'Average'
if StringClass.string_in_list(self.dinf_down_method, distance_method):
self.dinf_down_method = 'Surface'
self.dinf_dist_down_wg = AutoFuzSlpPosConfig.check_file_available(self.dinf_dist_down_wg)
if self.propthresh < 0:
self.propthresh = 0.0
if not StringClass.string_in_list(self.dinf_up_stat, stat_method):
self.dinf_up_stat = 'Average'
if not StringClass.string_in_list(self.dinf_up_method, distance_method):
self.dinf_up_method = 'Surface'
self.pretaudem = PreProcessAttrNames(self.ws.pre_dir, self.flow_model)
[docs] def read_optional_section(self, _opt):
"""read and check OPTIONAL inputs."""
if _opt not in self.cf.sections():
self.mpi_dir = self.cf.get(_opt, 'mpiexedir')
self.hostfile = self.cf.get(_opt, 'hostfile')
self.outlet = self.cf.get(_opt, 'outlet')
self.valley = self.cf.get(_opt, 'vlysrc')
self.ridge = self.cf.get(_opt, 'rdgsrc')
self.regional_attr = self.cf.get(_opt, 'regionalattr')
if self.proc <= 0 or self.proc is None:
if self.cf.has_option(_opt, 'inputproc'):
self.proc = self.cf.getint(_opt, 'inputproc')
self.proc = cpu_count() / 2
# if mpi directory is not set
if self.mpi_dir is None or StringClass.string_match(self.mpi_dir, 'none') \
or not os.path.isdir(self.mpi_dir):
mpipath = FileClass.get_executable_fullpath('mpiexec')
self.mpi_dir = os.path.dirname(mpipath)
if self.mpi_dir is None:
raise RuntimeError('Can not find mpiexec!')
self.hostfile = AutoFuzSlpPosConfig.check_file_available(self.hostfile)
self.outlet = AutoFuzSlpPosConfig.check_file_available(self.outlet)
self.valley = AutoFuzSlpPosConfig.check_file_available(self.valley)
self.ridge = AutoFuzSlpPosConfig.check_file_available(self.ridge)
self.regional_attr = AutoFuzSlpPosConfig.check_file_available(self.regional_attr)
if self.topoparam is None:
self.topoparam = TopoAttrNames(self.ws)
if self.regional_attr is not None:
self.topoparam.add_user_defined_attribute('rpi', self.regional_attr, True)
[docs] def read_optiontyploc_section(self, _opttyploc):
"""Optional parameter-settings for Typical Locations selection"""
if _opttyploc not in self.cf.sections():
# handling slope position types and tags
if self.cf.has_option(_opttyploc, 'slopepositiontypes'):
self.slppostype = list()
typstrs = self.cf.get(_opttyploc, 'slopepositiontypes')
self.slppostype = StringClass.split_string(typstrs.lower(), ',')
# five slope position system will be adapted.
if self.cf.has_option(_opttyploc, 'slopepositiontags'):
self.slppostag = list()
tagstrs = self.cf.get(_opttyploc, 'slopepositiontags')
self.slppostag = StringClass.extract_numeric_values_from_string(tagstrs)
if len(self.slppostag) != len(self.slppostype):
raise RuntimeError("The input number of slope position types and "
"tags are not the same!")
self.slppostag = list()
for i in range(len(self.slppostype)):
self.slppostag.append(pow(2, i))
for typ in self.slppostype:
self.singleslpposconf[typ] = SingleSlpPosFiles(self.ws, typ)
# handling selected topographic attributes
if self.cf.has_option(_opttyploc, 'terrainattrdict'):
self.selectedtopolist = list()
self.selectedtopo = dict()
terrain_attr_dict_str = self.cf.get(_opttyploc, 'terrainattrdict')
attrpath_strs = StringClass.split_string(terrain_attr_dict_str, ';')
for i, singattr in enumerate(attrpath_strs):
ap = StringClass.split_string(singattr, ',')
attrname = ap[0].lower()
if i == 0 and not StringClass.string_match(attrname, 'rpi'):
attrname = 'rpi'
attrpath = self.topoparam.get_attr_file(attrname)
if attrpath is not None:
self.selectedtopo[attrname] = attrpath
else: # this should be user-defined attribute, and should has a valid file path
if len(ap) != 2:
raise RuntimeError("User defined topographic attribute (%s) MUST have "
"an existed file path!" % singattr)
attrp = AutoFuzSlpPosConfig.check_file_available(ap[1])
if attrp is None:
raise RuntimeError("User defined topographic attribute (%s) MUST have "
"an existed file path!" % singattr)
self.selectedtopo[attrname] = attrp
is_regional = False
if i == 0: # the first one is regional attribute
is_regional = True
self.topoparam.add_user_defined_attribute(attrname, attrp, is_regional)
# handling several parameters used in extracting typical location
if self.cf.has_option(_opttyploc, 'typlocextractparam'):
self.param4typloc = dict()
base_param_str = self.cf.get(_opttyploc, 'typlocextractparam')
base_param_floats = StringClass.extract_numeric_values_from_string(base_param_str)
defnum = len(self._DEFAULT_PARAM_TYPLOC)
if len(base_param_floats) == defnum:
for slppos in self.slppostype:
self.param4typloc[slppos] = base_param_floats[:]
elif len(base_param_floats) == len(self.slppostype) * defnum:
for i, slppos in enumerate(self.slppostype):
self.param4typloc[slppos] = base_param_floats[i * defnum:(i + 1) * defnum]
raise RuntimeError("TyplocExtractParam MUST has the number of "
"%d or %d!" % (defnum, len(self.slppostype) * defnum))
for slppos in self.slppostype:
self.param4typloc[slppos] = self._DEFAULT_PARAM_TYPLOC[:]
# handling Pre-defined fuzzy membership function shapes of each terrain attribute
# for each slope position
if self.cf.has_option(_opttyploc, 'fuzinfdefault'):
self.infshape = dict()
fuz_inf_shp_strs = self.cf.get(_opttyploc, 'fuzinfdefault')
# inference shapes are separated by SIMICOLON bewteen slope positions
fuz_inf_shp_types = StringClass.split_string(fuz_inf_shp_strs, ';')
if len(fuz_inf_shp_types) != len(self.slppostype):
raise RuntimeError("FuzInfDefault (%s) MUST be consistent with slope position types"
" and separated by ';'!" % fuz_inf_shp_strs)
for i, slppos in enumerate(self.slppostype):
self.infshape[slppos] = dict()
# inference shapes are separated by COMMA bewteen topographic attributes
infshps = StringClass.split_string(fuz_inf_shp_types[i], ',')
if len(infshps) != len(self.selectedtopolist):
raise RuntimeError("FuzInfDefault (%s) for each slope position MUST have "
"the same size with TerrainAttrDict" % fuz_inf_shp_types[i])
for j, attrn in enumerate(self.selectedtopolist):
self.infshape[slppos][attrn] = infshps[j]
if len(self.slppostype) != 5:
raise RuntimeError("Only the fuzzy membership function shapes of "
"5 slope position system are built-in. For other "
"classification system, please set as input!")
# handling value ranges of terrain attributes for extracting prototypes
if self.cf.has_option(_opttyploc, 'valueranges'):
self.extractrange = dict()
value_rng_strs = self.cf.get(_opttyploc, 'valueranges')
value_rng_types = StringClass.split_string(value_rng_strs, ';')
if len(value_rng_types) != len(self.slppostype):
raise RuntimeError("ValueRanges (%s) MUST be consistent with slope position types"
" and separated by ';'!" % value_rng_strs)
for i, slppos in enumerate(self.slppostype):
self.extractrange[slppos] = dict()
value_rngs = StringClass.extract_numeric_values_from_string(value_rng_types[i])
if len(value_rngs) == 0 or len(value_rngs) % 3 != 0:
raise RuntimeError("Each item of ValueRanges MUST contains three elements,"
"i.e., Attributes No., Min, Max! Please check item: "
"%s for %s." % (value_rng_types[i], slppos))
for j in range(int(len(value_rngs) / 3)):
attridx = int(value_rngs[j * 3]) - 1
attrname = self.selectedtopolist[attridx]
min_v = value_rngs[j * 3 + 1]
max_v = value_rngs[j * 3 + 2]
self.extractrange[slppos][attrname] = [min_v, max_v]
if len(self.slppostype) != 5:
raise RuntimeError("Only the extract value ranges of "
"5 slope position system are built-in. For other "
"classification system, please set as input!")
[docs] def read_optionfuzinf_section(self, _optfuzinf):
"""Optional parameter-settings for Fuzzy slope position inference."""
if _optfuzinf not in self.cf.sections():
if self.cf.has_option(_optfuzinf, 'inferparams'):
fuzinf_strs = self.cf.get(_optfuzinf, 'inferparams')
if StringClass.string_match(fuzinf_strs, 'none'):
self.inferparam = dict()
fuzinf_types = StringClass.split_string(fuzinf_strs, ';')
if len(fuzinf_types) != len(self.slppostype):
raise RuntimeError("InferParams (%s) MUST be consistent with slope position types"
" and separated by ';'!" % fuzinf_strs)
for i, slppos in enumerate(self.slppostype):
self.inferparam[slppos] = dict()
infparams = StringClass.extract_numeric_values_from_string(fuzinf_types[i])
if len(infparams) % 4 != 0:
raise RuntimeError("Each item of InferParams MUST contains four elements,"
"i.e., Attribute No., FMF No., w1, w2! Please check item: "
"%s for %s." % (fuzinf_types[i], slppos))
for j in range(int(len(infparams) / 4)):
attridx = int(infparams[j * 4]) - 1
attrname = self.selectedtopolist[attridx]
fmf = self._FMFTYPE[int(infparams[j * 4 + 1])]
curinfparam = self._FMFPARAM[fmf][:]
curinfparam[0] = infparams[j * 4 + 2] # w1
curinfparam[3] = infparams[j * 4 + 3] # w2
self.inferparam[slppos][attrname] = [fmf] + curinfparam
if __name__ == '__main__':
fuzslppos_cfg = get_input_cfgs()