Welcome to AutoFuzSlpPos

Latest update: Jan. 23, 2019

AutoFuzSlpPos (short for “Automated Fuzzy Slope Position”) is developed by Dr. Liang-Jun Zhu and Prof. Cheng-Zhi Qin in Lreis, IGSNRR, CAS, China.

Contact and support email: zlj@lreis.ac.cn
  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  1. Run AutoFuzSlpPos
  2. Run AutoFuzSlpPos with Demo data
  3. Specific configuration

1 Introduction

AutoFuzSlpPos is an automatic approach with only one required input data (i.e., a gridded DEM of the study area) to deriving fuzzy slope positions based on the prototype-based inference method proposed by Qin et al. (2009. Quantification of spatial gradation of slope positions. Geomorphology 110, 152-161.). AutoFuzSlpPos consists three major parts, i.e., preparing topographic attributes, extracting typical locations, and calculating similarity for each slope position. The preliminary implementation employs the system of five basic slope positions, i.e., ridge, shoulder slope, backslope, footslope, and valley. For more detailed information, please refers to Zhu et al. (2018. Automatic approach to deriving fuzzy slope positions. Geomorphology 304, 173-183.)

Current version of AutoFuzSlpPos is developed under the TauDEM parallelized framework and programmed using C++ and Python language.

AutoFuzSlpPos is capable with Windows and Linux/Unix, e.g., Windows 7/8/10, CentOS 6.2, and Ubuntu 14.04.

The prerequisites environment is as follows:

  • CMake 2.8.0+
  • C/C++ compiler with C++11 support, such as Microsoft Visual Studio 2010+ (VS2013 are highly recommended) and GCC 4.7+.
  • GDAL library 1.11.x, for Windows users please download the compiled version from GIS Internals support site
  • MPI, such as Microsoft MS-MPI V6+, OpenMPI, and MPICH2
  • Python 2.7.x or 3.x packaged with Numpy 1.6+, GDAL 1.11.x or 2.x and PyGeoC.

2 Installation

2.1 Code structure

The source code consists of two parts:

  • the C++ source code. Since the core C++ programs of AutoFuzSlpPos have been integrated in TauDEM_ext, and hence located in autofuzslppos/taudem_ext/src_ext/autofuzslppos
  • python scripts located in autofuzslppos/

C++ code will be compiled as separated executable files, such as “SelectTypLocSlpPos” which is used for extracting typical locations and setting parameters for fuzzy inference of each slope position.

Python script is to organize the whole work-flow with a configurable script for users’ customizing optional parameters, such as follows.

Script Functionality
main.py The entrance of AutoFuzSlpPos
Config.py Parse the configuration file (*.ini) prepared by user.
Nomenclature.py Predefined filenames
TauDEM.py Functions based on TauDEM and the extension functions, e.g., SelectTypLocSlpPos
Util.py Some fundamental functions, e.g., functions for the Input/Output of raster data
PreProcessing.py Preprocessing for topographic attributes, such as relative position index (RPI), profile curvature
SelectTypLoc.py Prepare input files for typical location extraction
FuzzySlpPosInference.py Prepare input files for fuzzy inference of each slope position

2.2 Compile on Windows Using MSVC

The MPI library used for PC is Microsoft MS-MPI V6 or later. Install msmpisdk.msi, MSMpiSetup.exe. And then set the environment paths as follows:

MSMPI_BIN=C:\Program Files\Microsoft MPI\Bin\
MSMPI_INC=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\MPI\Include\
MSMPI_LIB32=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\MPI\Lib\x86\
MSMPI_LIB64=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\MPI\Lib\x64\

Then, open “Visual Studio Command Prompt” from Start menu (as administrator), and run the following commands:

cd <path to AutoFuzSlpPos>
mkdir build
cd build
# -DINSTALL_PREFIX: the install directory, which is optional
# An example: MSVC 2013, 64-bit
cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64" ..
msbuild.exe ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release /maxcpucount:4
msbuild.exe INSTALL.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release

The executable files will be compiled and saved in <AutoFuzSlppos>/bin or the <INSTALLDIR> specified.

2.3 Compile on Linux/Unix using GCC

Unlike the MPI version for PC, the implementation of MPICH is adopted for Linux/Unix platform.

The compilation steps are quite familiar:

cd <path to AutoFuzSlpPos>
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -j4
make install

The executable files will be generated in <AutoFuzSlppos>/bin or the <INSTALLDIR> specified.

3 Run AutoFuzSlpPos with Demo data

Use the following command to run AutoFuzSlpPos with demo data in a default configuration:

python <path to AutoFuzSlpPos>/autofuzslopos/run_demo_data_bydefault.py

The result will be located in <path to AutoFuzSlpPos>/data/demo_data/workspace.

4 Specific configuration

4.1 Configuration script

A script program of Python language is implemented to organize the work-flow of deriving fuzzy slope positions. User can configure the environment of AutoFuzSlpPos through the configuration file with the extension of *.ini, e.g. autofuzslppos/data/Jamaica_windows.ini for Windows and autofuzslppos/data/Jamaica_cluster.ini for Linux cluster.

Besides the required path of the DEM of the study area (i.e., rawdem), the paths of the compiled executable files of AutoFuzSlpPos and workspace to store the results should be given correctly, for instance:

exeDir = /home/zhulj/AutoFuzSlpPos/exec
rootDir = /home/zhulj/AutoFuzSlpPos/Demo

Note that, if the path of MPI is in the ENVIRONMENT PATH in the system, the mpiexeDir could be set as None, otherwise it should be explicitly assigned, such as mpiexeDir = /home/zhulj/mpich/bin. The hostfile is used to specify the hosts on which the MPI jobs will be submitted. If user does not know how to prepare the hostfile, just leave it as hostfile = None. One possible example is as follows:

hostfile = /home/zhulj/AutoFuzSlpPos/exec/dgpm

Next, the AutoFuzSlpPos with default parameter settings is ready to run for the specific study area. Other optional parameters are briefly introduced in the configuration file (*.ini).

4.2 Run AutoFuzSlpPos

python <path to AutoFuzSlpPos>/autofuzslppos/main.py -ini <configuration file path> [-proc <process number> -bin <binaries path> -root <workspace path>]

where: <configuration file path> is the full path of the *ini file, e.g. /home/zhulj/AutoFuzSlpPos/data/Jamaica/Jamaica_dgpm.ini

<process number> is the process number for MPI, which can overwrite the inputProc defined in configuration file.

<binaries path> it the executable binaries path of all autofuzslopos functions, which can overwrite exeDir the defined in configuration file.

<workspace path> it the workspace path to store the results, which can overwrite rootDir the defined in configuration file.

The following table gives a brief introduction to the result files.

Result Folder Introduction
FuzzySlpPos Similarity maps of each slope position, as well as the hardened map of slope positions and the corresponding maximum similarity map
DinfpreDir Intermediate files in preparing topographic attributes
Params GRID of topographic attributes, including RPI (Relative Position Index), profile curvature, slope gradient, and HAND (Height Above the Nearest Drainage), by default.
Config Configuration files of the extraction of typical locations and fuzzy inference for each slope positions
TypLoc Typical locations of each slope positions
Log Log files which record information such as runtime, etc.

Note that in the current implementation a system of five basic slope positions is used, i.e., ridge(RDG), shoulder slope (SHD), backslope (BKS), footslope (FTS), and valley (VLY).


Indices and tables