pygeoc.TauDEM module

TauDEM Utility Class.

Thanks to the open-source software TauDEM by David Tarboton and QSWAT by Chris George.

@author: Liangjun Zhu


  • 12-04-12 jz - origin version.
  • 16-07-01 lj - reorganized for pygeoc.
  • 17-06-25 lj - check by pylint and reformat by Google style.
class pygeoc.TauDEM.TauDEM

Bases: object

Methods for calling TauDEM executables.

static aread8(np, flowdir, acc, outlet=None, streamskeleton=None, edgecontaimination=False, workingdir=None, mpiexedir=None, exedir=None, log_file=None, runtime_file=None, hostfile=None)

Run Accumulate area according to D8 flow direction

static areadinf(np, angfile, sca, outlet=None, wg=None, edgecontaimination=False, workingdir=None, mpiexedir=None, exedir=None, log_file=None, runtime_file=None, hostfile=None)

Run Accumulate area according to Dinf flow direction

static check_infile_and_wp(curinf, curwp)

Check the existence of the given file and directory path. 1. Raise Runtime exception of both not existed. 2. If the curwp is None, the set the base folder of curinf to it.

static connectdown(np, p, acc, outlet, wtsd=None, workingdir=None, mpiexedir=None, exedir=None, log_file=None, runtime_file=None, hostfile=None)

Reads an ad8 contributing area file, identifies the location of the largest ad8 value as the outlet of the largest watershed

static convertdistmethod(method_str)

Convert distance method to h, v, p, and s.

static convertstatsmethod(method_str)

Convert statistics method to ave, min, and max.

static d8distdowntostream(np, p, fel, src, dist, distancemethod, thresh, workingdir=None, mpiexedir=None, exedir=None, log_file=None, runtime_file=None, hostfile=None)

Run D8 distance down to stream by different method for distance. This function is extended from d8hdisttostrm by Liangjun.

Please clone TauDEM by lreis2415 and compile for this program.

static d8flowdir(np, filleddem, flowdir, slope, workingdir=None, mpiexedir=None, exedir=None, log_file=None, runtime_file=None, hostfile=None)

Run D8 flow direction

static d8hdisttostrm(np, p, src, dist, thresh, workingdir=None, mpiexedir=None, exedir=None, log_file=None, runtime_file=None, hostfile=None)

Run D8 horizontal distance down to stream.

static dinfdistdown(np, ang, fel, slp, src, statsm, distm, edgecontamination, wg, dist, workingdir=None, mpiexedir=None, exedir=None, log_file=None, runtime_file=None, hostfile=None)

Run D-inf distance down to stream

static dinfflowdir(np, filleddem, flowangle, slope, workingdir=None, mpiexedir=None, exedir=None, log_file=None, runtime_file=None, hostfile=None)

Run Dinf flow direction

static dropanalysis(np, fel, p, ad8, ssa, outlet, minthresh, maxthresh, numthresh, logspace, drp, workingdir=None, mpiexedir=None, exedir=None, log_file=None, runtime_file=None, hostfile=None)

Drop analysis for optimal threshold for extracting stream.

static error(msg, log_file=None)

Print, output error message and raise RuntimeError.

static gridnet(np, pfile, plenfile, tlenfile, gordfile, outlet=None, workingdir=None, mpiexedir=None, exedir=None, log_file=None, runtime_file=None, hostfile=None)

Run gridnet

static log(lines, log_file=None)

Output log message.

static moveoutletstostrm(np, flowdir, streamRaster, outlet, modifiedOutlet, workingdir=None, mpiexedir=None, exedir=None, log_file=None, runtime_file=None, hostfile=None)

Run move the given outlets to stream

static peukerdouglas(np, fel, streamSkeleton, workingdir=None, mpiexedir=None, exedir=None, log_file=None, runtime_file=None, hostfile=None)

Run peuker-douglas function

static pitremove(np, dem, filleddem, workingdir=None, mpiexedir=None, exedir=None, log_file=None, runtime_file=None, hostfile=None)

Run pit remove using the flooding approach

static run(function_name, in_files, wp=None, in_params=None, out_files=None, mpi_params=None, log_params=None)

Run TauDEM function.

    1. The command will not execute if any input file does not exist.
    1. An error will be detected after running the TauDEM command if any output file does not exist;
  • function_name (str) – Full path of TauDEM function.
  • in_files (dict, required) –

    Dict of pairs of parameter id (string) and file path (string or list) for input files, e.g.:

    {'-z': '/full/path/to/dem.tif'}
  • wp (str, optional) – Workspace for outputs. If not specified, the directory of the first input file in in_files will be used.
  • in_params (dict, optional) –

    Dict of pairs of parameter id (string) and value (or None for a flag parameter without a value) for input parameters, e.g.:

    {'-nc': None}
    {'-thresh': threshold}
    {'-m': 'ave' 's', '-nc': None}
  • out_files (dict, optional) –

    Dict of pairs of parameter id (string) and file path (string or list) for output files, e.g.:

    {'-fel': 'filleddem.tif'}
    {'-maxS': ['harden.tif', 'maxsimi.tif']}
  • mpi_params (dict, optional) –

    Dict of pairs of parameter id (string) and value or path for MPI setting, e.g.:

    {'mpipath':'/soft/bin', 'n':4}
  • log_params (dict, optional) –

    Dict of pairs of parameter id (string) and value or path for runtime and log output parameters. e.g.:

    {'logfile': '/home/user/log.txt',
     'runtimefile': '/home/user/runtime.txt'}

True if TauDEM run successfully, otherwise False.

static streamnet(np, filleddem, flowdir, acc, streamRaster, modifiedOutlet, streamOrder, chNetwork, chCoord, streamNet, subbasin, workingdir=None, mpiexedir=None, exedir=None, log_file=None, runtime_file=None, hostfile=None)

Run streamnet

static threshold(np, acc, stream_raster, threshold=100.0, workingdir=None, mpiexedir=None, exedir=None, log_file=None, runtime_file=None, hostfile=None)

Run threshold for stream raster

static write_time_log(logfile, time)

Write time log.

class pygeoc.TauDEM.TauDEMFilesUtils(tau_dir)

Bases: object

predefined TauDEM resulted file names

class pygeoc.TauDEM.TauDEMWorkflow

Bases: object

Common used workflow based on TauDEM

static watershed_delineation(np, dem, outlet_file=None, thresh=0, singlebasin=False, workingdir=None, mpi_bin=None, bin_dir=None, logfile=None, runtime_file=None, hostfile=None)

Watershed Delineation.